Bears From Labrador: Wilderness


Sounds like 1970’s Beatles may have done had they discovered Mexico instead of India. Read the original press release by Kelvin Goodson 2008.

What the press had to say…read full reviews here.

The Mag
“Every so often that sacred padded envelope, sent from The Mag and stuffed full of CDs, is kind enough to bestow upon me a band with real talent.The whole of Wilderness has been structured perfectly 9/10”

“Bears From Labrador have produced a beautiful classic rock EP designed to endure the test of time.”

Sonic Dice
“The pace picks up with the star-turn, ‘Trees’, as a vibrating latin trumpet hails its arrival. The warping guitar riff and papery vocal hark back to the “summer of love“; think Kings Of Leon covering The Beatles. 5/6”

The Music Magazine
“A full offering could be incredibly exciting but right now I’m too busy to contemplate this. A lazy Sunday afternoon drifting off to Wilderness EP is certainly the way forward. 8/10”

“Trees is simply a tremendous tune! Give this EP the time that it deserves and you’ll be loving those Bears.”

Q – “Rearview” Track Of The Day and review
“Delightful changes of pace and touches of Midlake and early 70’s Neil Young….”

The Times – “God” Track Of The Day and review
“God’s delicate intro lures you in then leads into a thumping, stoner rock-style verse that’s hard to resist.”

“God…it’s Crazy Horse-era Neil Young meets The Rolling Stones, yet sounding even more like Raconteurs meets Ambulance Ltd……..fizzing rather than fizzling with crackling distorted feedback. Trees sounds like 1970’s Beatles may have done had they discovered Mexico instead of India.”