Every Kid Knows debut album – Astronauts of the Hydrocosmos

The River Fowey is a magical place. From the small wharf in front of the Fisherman’s Arms in Golant we took a small boat with our guitars and amps and drum cases downriver to the creek where Sawmills Studios lies buried in the woods. Down there you only hear the birds and the stream and occasionally the iron rattle of the Mineral Railway. You can’t see any other houses. You can switch the world off and start looking for something – it’s Heart of Darkness in reverse. It was important that we went there to make our album. I wanted to reconnect to some innocence, some lost spirit of pop music that has been written over by the ones and zeros. I wanted to record everything in a single take. I didn’t even know whether it was even possible to make a record like that anymore. I wanted the music to be alive and not the digital plug-in facsimile of being alive. Spinning Jenny was one of the first tracks we recorded in the I’ve days that we were there. I had recorded a great demo that was really trippy but a lot slower and we’d played it live a few times. This was a chance to let it fly. We did three takes and the third take was a spiritual experience. Tom Joyce, the engineer, asked us if we wanted to have another go. We were all just giggling, overwhelmed by what had just happened in the last four minutes. I knew that if we did a thousand more takes we’d never get close again. It was a great moment. The whole album was like that. It was effortless and easy. We weren’t trying to do anything new we were just trying to create perfect songs. The album is released on April 2nd, 2019. It’s available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and all the rest.

Astronauts of the Hydrocosmos